
1199SEIU nursing home caregivers employed by Consulate Health Care reached a tentative agreement with their employer on November 8 that invests more in caregivers and resident care at 19 facilities throughout Florida.

The agreement, negotiated by 1199SEIU caregivers, covers 1,500 workers and includes the following:

• Guaranteed hours in our work day so we can provide the care residents need.

• Access to more affordable health insurance to care for ourselves so we can care for others.

• Guaranteed across-the-board raises and bonuses to retain the best caregivers.

• No cutbacks to our paid time off so we can spend time with our families.

It took an entire village of passionate caregivers, outspoken nursing home residents and their family members, elected officials and community activists to achieve this victory for our caregivers and loved ones.

Thank you for helping us push a health care industry giant to adjust its priorities and move towards putting patients over profits.

Join our campaign to protect nursing home residents at www.EveryMinuteCountsFlorida.org so you can stay informed about safe staffing and bedside care in all Florida nursing homes.

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