Say NO to Short Staffing in Our Nursing Homes

October 12, 2018

The Problem: Our state’s nursing homes are woefully understaffed! Over the course of an eight-hour shift, direct care givers — nurses and nursing assistants — often single handedly provide care to as many as 25 residents.

The Solution: The health care industry needs better regulation to address the quality of care and staffing crisis in Maryland’s nursing homes. To fight for better care, 1199SEIU advocated for strengthened state regulations that would increase the number of nursing service personnel per resident from 1:25 to 1:15.

Unfortunately, two years have gone by and Governor Hogan has done nothing on these regulations to improve care for our elderly and disabled. Nursing home bosses oppose these regulations because they just want to line their own pockets. Governor Hogan will not stand up to them. He does not care.

It’s time to say NO to profits over people!

Members Bravely Raise Their Voices: 
In an article in the Maryland Daily Record, members Andy Krum and Joy Stewart-Phillips called on Governor Hogan to say NO to short staffing: “With more staff on duty, we would have time to actually listen to our patients. We would be more likely to notice if something was wrong or bothering our patients. We could save lives.” Read the full article here.

Watch videos below of members discussing this crisis. 

Screen Shot 2018-10-12 at 7.06.26 PM.png  Nursing Homes Need Safe Staffing - Terena Perry_GNA.png  Nursing Homes Need Safe Staffing - Carolyn Taylor Chester_GNA.png Nursing Homes Need Safe Staffing - Nakkitta Starkes, GNA.png

Raise YOUR voice and take action today! We need your help today to stand together and say NO to short staffing of direct care givers in our nursing homes.

1. Call Governor Hogan at (410) 974-3901 and urge him to endorse strong long-term care regulations and stop supporting big business at the expense of residents! (COMAR 10.07.02 – Comprehensive Care Facilities and Extended Care Facilities)

2. Spread the word on social media:
(Sample Tweet) @GovLarryHogan we’re calling on YOU to ensure better standards of quality care in long-term care facilities. Endorse COMAR 10.07.02 for safe staffing in Maryland hospitals! #adoptLTCregs

3. Make your voices heard by sharing this with friends and family so they can act today.