News & Information

George Floyd, a Black man was murdered by Minneapolis police on Memorial Day, Monday May 25, 2020 in broad daylight, in front of the community, after a grocery clerk called the police thinking he was writing a bad check. For almost seven minutes, George was pinned to the ground by a white officer named Derek Chauvin who held his knee on his neck, while two other officers held his hands and feet.
This is a surreal moment. I know I don’t have to tell you as caregivers about the ways COVID-19 has inflicted tragedy on our lives. This virus is an invisible enemy, inflicting visible pain on so many, but we are continuing to fight to save the lives that have been entrusted to us for care.
MIAMI----While its members work on the front lines of the Covid-19 public health emergency, the bargaining committee of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East today has rejected layoffs and pay cuts proposed by HCA hospitals across Florida.
WHAT: Frontline nursing home workers at The Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care & Rehabilitation, members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, will hold a silent and solemn vigil, expressing their grief and concern. The nursing home has the highest number of COVID-19 deaths of any of the 362 nursing homes in New York that have reported the virus fatalities. According to the New York State Department of Health, there were 82 confirmed coronavirus-related deaths at Parker Jewish as of May 26.
Who needs to be tested? All staff who work in nursing homes must be tested, except for people who already tested positive for COVID-19.
We have received numerous calls from members saying that they received a call from “1199” about an additional benefit for which the member must pay. This is a scam. We will never call you requesting money for your benefits. Hang up immediately, block the caller and report this to our Fraud and Abuse hotline.
A car caravan of more than 100 officers and staff from 1199SEIU brought music and celebration to hospital and nursing home workers in recognition of their sacrifice and dedication.
WHAT: Frontline nursing home workers at 36 long term care facilities across the state will hold silent and solemn vigils, expressing their grief and concern. Members of 1199SEIU, who work for some of the biggest for-profit nursing home networks on the East coast and beyond, are facing similar challenges whether they are upstate, in the Hudson Valley or the metropolitan region. They include:
“Healthcare workers are on the front lines serving the public health. They face unprecedented challenges today taking on a pandemic and economic crisis. These caregivers, including the 24,000 represented by members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East in Florida, need the support of elected officials and government at all levels to protect their patients, their families and themselves.
As the state begins to reopen, we are committed to making sure that it is done deliberately, with adequate safeguards and social distancing in place, to prevent a resurgence of the virus that could potentially overwhelm caregivers in every setting.