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Oct 15, 2018
The CMS is looking to increase its oversight of post-acute care settings through new civil money penalties on nursing home staff and a new…
Oct 12, 2018
Contract Includes Maintains Health Benefits With Little or No Cost To 1199 Members
Oct 11, 2018
Since summer 2018, thousands of nursing home caregivers throughout New York City, Westchester and Long Island have been in contract…
Oct 11, 2018
New York, NY – President George Gresham has released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United…
Oct 11, 2018
New York, NY – President George Gresham has released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United…
Oct 11, 2018
New York, NY – President George Gresham has released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United…
Oct 11, 2018
New York, NY – President George Gresham has released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United…
Oct 11, 2018
New York, NY – President George Gresham has released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United…
Oct 10, 2018
Statement from 1199SEIU regarding GOP gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis airing false storm-related attack ads in the middle of a real…
Oct 10, 2018
Have you met the queen? Her real name is Ghislaine Bazile but she’s affectionately known as the “queen” at the nursing home where she works…

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