1199SEIU Pres. Gresham on Janus vs. AFSCME Ruling

June 27, 2018

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Contact: Cara Noel | Cara.Noel@1199.org | 646.617.7844

New York, NY- 1199SEIU President George Gresham today released the following statement regarding the United States Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling on Janus vs. AFSCME:

"Today’s ruling on Janus vs. AFSCME is yet another piece in the coordinated attack on the rights of working people in this country. We are the labor movement, and we know the strength that lies in our unity; and so do those seeking to tear apart the worker protections that have transformed our workforce for the better over the last 100+ years.

"Every victory we have won has been the result of our determination to secure the wages, benefits, and protections needed to live and retire with dignity – that is the union difference.

“I am confident that the 450,000 members of 1199SEIU know the value of unity, and I believe that this knowledge will enable us to continue to stand strong in the fight to support the collective action and vision of workers for generations to come."