1199 Magazine

Apr 4, 2018
I came into this world around the same time that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young minister, made history by leading the Montgomery,…
Mar 7, 2018
Every year, 1199SEIU honors hundreds of members who become new American citizens with help from the 1199SEIU Citizenship Program.
Mar 2, 2018
The courage and leadership of Florida’s Majory Stoneman Douglas High School students in the aftermath of brutal mass killings, have inspired…
Feb 28, 2018
When Marilyn Mosby was sworn in as the 25th State’s Attorney for Baltimore City in 2015 she was the youngest chief prosecutor in any…
Feb 27, 2018
In 1199SEIU, there are likely as many political opinions as there are members. While 1199SEIU’s history reflects a progressive union, the…
Feb 27, 2018
Like many of her colleagues at Maryland’s Chase Brexton Health Care, 1199SEIU delegate Stacey Jackson is deeply committed to providing…
Feb 27, 2018
Health clinic workers at Columbia University in New York City who voted more than a year ago to join 1199SEIU are in a protracted first…
Feb 27, 2018
Generations of schoolchildren throughout our country have been taught to believe in a number of shared ideals and values:
Nov 14, 2017
Luis Santiago walked into a strike on the day he started as an HIV/AIDS counsellor at Jamaica Hospital in New York City. Service workers…
Nov 14, 2017
Since its inception in 1965, The Anne Shore Camp program has been sending eligible 1199ers’ children who are between the ages of nine and…

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