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Mar 1, 2017
Healthcare workers say working people cannot let ourselves be divided by ignorance, fear and hate, but must unite for a fair economy and…
Feb 23, 2017
Extreme right-wing elected officials in Congress are determined to eliminate affordable, quality healthcare. Their actions would cause 30…
Feb 22, 2017
Alarmed by Threats to Healthcare Funding, Healthcare Workers and Allies Are Standing up
Feb 13, 2017
WHAT: Media Opportunity: Community leaders will be calling on newly-elected Congresswoman Claudia Tenney to not vote for the repeal of the…
Feb 13, 2017
WHAT: Media Opportunity: 1199SEIU members and community activists and leaders will be calling on newly- elected Congresswoman Elisa Stefanik…
Feb 13, 2017
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, the largest healthcare union in the U.S., has decided to join Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, a…


Jul 5, 2018
Whether it was Lower Manhattan or in Los Angeles, labor leaders and activists took to the streets to protest the White House’s immigration…
Jul 5, 2018
Dozens of educators and members of 1199 SEIU gathered Sunday afternoon with Bronx Council Member Andy King and 1199 SEIU President George…
Jun 28, 2018
Something the Republicans have wanted to do since the Clinton administration might come to fruition under Trump. It’s made American…
Jun 28, 2018
A U.S. Supreme Court decision Wednesday prohibiting public-sector unions from charging nonmembers "fair share" fees for representing the…
Jun 28, 2018
Buffalo, N.Y. (WKBW) - A rally was held Thursday on the front lawn of the Emerald South nursing and rehabilitation center on Delaware…
Jun 27, 2018
Elections can be chaotic affairs. The fliers. The endorsements. The problems at the polls. At the end of the night, what have we actually…
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