Political Action Center

In 1963, 1199 won legalized collective bargaining for New York City hospital workers. The victory came through our members’ political might. Since then, we have built a powerhouse on that milestone as members continue to expand their political involvement and grow our vital Political Action Contributions (PAC) fund.

Over the years, 1199ers have helped to elect working-family friendly candidates in every region of our union, including New York City mayors David Dinkins and Bill de Blasio, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, Boston Mayor Martin Walsh and, of course, President Barack Obama. We have been successful in beating back sharp cuts to healthcare and in lobbying to preserve critical funding for healthcare programs and wage increases, including the recent, historic $15-an-hour wage wins in Maryland, Massachusetts and New York State. These victories represent the core values of our struggle. Together with our allies, we stand for fairness, security and dignity for all working people. We intend to continue building coalitions, registering voters and increasing the number of political activists among our ranks until every candidate and elected official hears our voice. Whether it is in the voting booth or the statehouse, we stand up for a country that works for everyone.



Jan 1, 1970
Thanks to thousands of concerned Floridians and 1199SEIU Florida members who have taken action online, one the phones and in the communi...
Jan 1, 1970
Caregivers employed by Greystone Health Network, frustrated by the company?s recent proposal during difficult contract negotiations to r...
Jan 1, 1970
1199SEIU members joined tens of thousands of activists for a rally in front of the U.S. Capitol on April 10 during a national day of act...
Jan 1, 1970
U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) told a crowd of union members and organizers in Baltimore that the right-wing lawmakers that he s...

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