Health & Safety Alert


1199SEIU’s priority remains ensuring that our members have the tools, equipment, and information needed to help keep themselves, their patients, and their communities safe.

Visit our new COVID-19 member resource hub at for the latest news, FAQs, and actions.

Mar 13, 2020
As we continue to learn the specifics of the coronavirus, it is imperative that we serve as advocates for protecting the health of our patients, families, and communities.
Mar 13, 2020
Protecting Health Care Workers And Patients, Hospital Edition
Mar 13, 2020
Sung to the tune of "Solidarity Forever" by Pete Seeger
Mar 12, 2020
You can take the same steps to protect yourself from COVID-19 as you would to protect yourself against colds and the flu:
Mar 5, 2020
A new coronavirus, COVID-19, has been identified as the cause of a cluster of severe pneumonia cases that emerged in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019.

Have any Questions or Concerns?

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