Want to Join 1199?

Protect Our Patients by winning better staffing and building strong workplace committees.

Improve Our Jobs with the wages, benefits, education opportunities and rights that healthcare workers and our families deserve.

Unite All Healthcare Workers so that we have the strength to make sure the Florida healthcare industry puts patients and workers first.

Make Sure Our Voices Are Heard in Government so that we can win safe staffing ratios, protect healthcare funding, advance quality care and improve our communities.

1199SEIU Florida Region Rank & File Representatives to 1199SEIU Executive Council:

Long Term Care

Cloreta Morgan, CNA, Unity Health & Rehab Center, Miami

Micheline Louis Charles, Activities, Fountainhead Care Center, Miami

Pearl Gooden, CNA, Delta Rehab Center, Tampa

Health Systems

Frank Genung, RN, St Marys Medical Center, West Palm Beach

Janelle Manigault, LPN, St Petersburg General Hospital, St Petersburg

Patricia Sheran-Diaz, RN, University Hospital, Tamarac

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