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Mar 1, 2017
Healthcare workers say working people cannot let ourselves be divided by ignorance, fear and hate, but must unite for a fair economy and…
Feb 23, 2017
Extreme right-wing elected officials in Congress are determined to eliminate affordable, quality healthcare. Their actions would cause 30…
Feb 22, 2017
Alarmed by Threats to Healthcare Funding, Healthcare Workers and Allies Are Standing up
Feb 13, 2017
WHAT: Media Opportunity: Community leaders will be calling on newly-elected Congresswoman Claudia Tenney to not vote for the repeal of the…
Feb 13, 2017
WHAT: Media Opportunity: 1199SEIU members and community activists and leaders will be calling on newly- elected Congresswoman Elisa Stefanik…
Feb 13, 2017
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, the largest healthcare union in the U.S., has decided to join Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, a…


Oct 10, 2018
HAVERSTRAW - Hundreds of 1199SEIU union nurses around the Hudson Valley protested Wednesday for better contracts.
Sep 18, 2018
It should come as no surprise to individuals who operate within the home health care sector that fraud and abuse can and does happen. As any…
Sep 13, 2018
In less than two months, voters across the country can begin to lead our nation out of the nightmare of the Trump administration. We would…
Sep 6, 2018
Home health care workers are often shorted on their wages and harassed by their agencies, according to an investigation by the New York City…
Sep 6, 2018
After meeting with the Jordan Health administration on Wednesday, union members rejected what Jordan Health calls its final offer.
Sep 4, 2018
Organized labor is facing an array of attacks. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus ruling is threatening public sector unions. The building…
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