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From 1199SEIU Executive Vice-President, Todd Hobler


Dear 1199SEIU Member,

We are all feeling tremendous sorrow following the mass shooting at our Jefferson Avenue Tops Supermarket on Saturday. We mourn for the victims lost in this act of racist violence and our hearts go out to our UFCW union family working in the store the day of this horrific tragedy.

Our country has a long history of racism and violence. Mass killings motivated by white supremacy have persisted from the time of slavery, through the decades of segregation and now well into the twenty-first century. It is more than a series of random horrific events. It is an unfolding American tragedy. It must stop! Let us, as healthcare workers and 1199 members, come together, rise up and demand justice and an end to the hate and violence. It is our obligation and responsibility, every one of us, to do all we can to end this carnage.

Immediately, we can reach our hands out to those impacted by this senseless violence and offer assistance and support.

The Tops store in Buffalo is now a crime scene and is temporarily closed. It served many of our members who live and work in that area. There is not another grocery store for miles. The situation leaves folks unable to access fresh produce, food and other necessities.

This is an area where we can help. Below, is a list of local community organizations focused on providing for the basic needs of residents in the immediate neighborhood near Tops. Please make a contribution. Let’s do what we can to help our sisters and brothers who are hurting right now.

In solidarity,

Todd Hobler
1199SEIU Executive Vice-President

Local Community Organizations

FeedMore WNY has teamed up with Resource Council of WNY
Choose donate to the emergency fund at the top of the page in the additional information field, please list 1199SEIU

Buffalo Community Fridge
257 East Ferry Street
Buffalo, NY 14208 has a Target Registry to purchase items to fill the fridge, click here.

African-American Food Co-op
Click the donate button and it takes you to PayPal

Candles In The Sun
The organization is now mobilizing to help donate baby supplies, diapers, wipes, along with giving out free produce.
Venmo @SaveUrNeighborhood
Cash App $SaveUrNeighborhood

Rooted in Love
Click on the donate link at the top of the page
This non-profit organization provides fresh produce, non-perishable food items and hygiene products to the homeless, impoverished, and those who are simply in need.

Volunteer Opportunities For Locals
Volunteer at the Resource Council of WNY emergency food distributions:
Volunteer at the Johnnie B. Wiley Pavilion to help with emergency food distributions:

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