New Study Outlines Path to Safeguard Quality Patient Care and Healthcare Jobs in Lynn

Feb 27, 2020
As Puerto Rico recovers from a swarm of earthquakes that have crippled the island as it just beginning to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Maria, members of 1199’s Latino Caucus are mobilizing to send aid to the hobbled territory and raise awareness around the issues facing Puerto Rico and other Latin countries.
Feb 27, 2020
When Lauren Malic was a little girl growing up in New Orleans, her dream was to become a nurse. Years later, she never lost sight of her dream, even after her family lost everything in 2005, when Hurricane Katrina ripped the roof off their home. They relocated to Florida, Malic enrolled in nursing school and got a job as a transporter at UHealth Tower in Miami.
Feb 27, 2020
1199SEIU and the National Benefit Fund are again making available a free tax prep program for members, so they can pay only the taxes they owe and apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The EITC is a tax refund for low to-moderate income families. Since its inception in 1999, the program has helped members in NYC alone file for $100 million dollars in tax refunds.
Feb 27, 2020
Every day, local and national news outlets churn out stories about guns and gun violence across America. From big cities like Chicago and New York, to small towns in the Midwest and Southeast, there is no corner of the nation untouched by gun violence and the debate around gun rights. According to the Giffords Law Center, 100 Americans are killed with guns every day and over 1.2 million people have been shot in the last decade.
Feb 27, 2020
In dire straits due to their financial mismanagement, for years The Lutheran Care Network (TLCN) operated their Delmar, NY facilities, Good Samaritan Nursing Home, and an assisted living facility, Kenwood Manor, on a shoestring budget. As the buildings deteriorated, the workers were continually challenged by short-staffing and diminished supplies. Making things worse, the employer paid the workers’ Health Benefit Fund only sporadically creating uncertainty for the caregivers whose benefits could end at any time.
Feb 27, 2020
For many of us, it may seem that Medicaid has been a constant part of American society—providing a much-needed healthcare safety net for seniors as well as disabled and low income adults and children.
Feb 26, 2020
A Day In The Life Of The Census
Feb 26, 2020
The 2020 Census is fast approaching, and I can’t overstate the importance of your participation.
Feb 26, 2020
Members at Baltimore’s St. Elizabeth Rehabilitation and Nursing Center ratified a strong contract in the summer of 2019, and they attribute their wins to wide member participation at bargaining.
Feb 26, 2020
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is considered 1199SEIU’s North Star. And 1199ers have been celebrating the life of the man who called 1199 “my favorite union” since his untimely death in 1968

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